My mom emailed me the other day asking if she had done something to make me mad because she hadn't heard from me in so long! Really? I usually talk to her every night, every other night, tops. Then I stopped to think about it...
Basketball tournaments every weekend, talent show auditions, chairing the Daddy/Daughter Dance (which is tonight!) and sports practices that don't put us home until sometimes 8:30-9:00 at night really did set me back! Not to mention the hours of math homework my 5th grade daughter has that neither Marc nor I can understand - and I truly believe anyone without a PhD would! And her birthday is this month too. I haven't even thought about that yet!
It'll slow down - 2 more basketball tournments this month, the dance is over tonight and I can finally clear out my house from the pink & red explosion of cookies, flowers, decorations, etc... that has taken over!
Then wrestling starts next month. Maybe if I got my mom to join Facebook... :)
Welcome To My Life
5 years ago
Things like Facebook scare my mom....she'd probably cry if she knew I had a blog. Those are UBER scary.
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