The other day we caught wind that the local professional wrestling group was going to be in town on Saturday night. Sam has been into WWE wrestling on TV for the past few months, so we thought it'd be fun to take him to see this. We got done at the basketball game at 6 p.m. Saturday and rushed back to town to see wrestling by 7 p.m. We didn't have advance tickets, so we had to wait out in the freezing weather for 1/2 hour before they let us in. Luckily (and I say this very sarcastically!) we still got front row seats.
You know the crowd that hangs out at the local county fair? Well, multiply that by 7 - I came up with that number because the fair lasts a week - and that was all condensed into one night. Men with missing teeth, 350 lb. women wearing tank tops in 20 degree weather... the girl that sat behind us with her brother, sister, and dad was truly the culmination of all that class. She couldn't have been 8 years old. One time she yelled at the wrestler that he "sucks balls," another time she yelled that they could "suck his d**k," (at this point, I turned around and told her to watch her mouth), then the last comment was when she yelled at one was a "f*!k face". I yelled 4 seats over to the dad that his daughter had the mouth of a sailer. He just gave her a dirty look.
Even though Marc and I agreed we were truly embarrassed to be seen there, the kids had a blast (even Alex, although she won't admit it) and at one point, the wrestlers threw each other out of the ring, and one tossed the other over the railing, landing almost right on top of the kids. We're such good parents.
You are braver than me....I'm not sure if I would have said anything to the dad or not, but I would have wanted to.
He probably didn't know what to think...seeing a family with all of their teeth in tact and all.
it's kind of like that family on the side of the road. i would be too scared to say anything as they obviously have no morals & would probably kick my azz...
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