After school yesterday I had to stop at the grocery store. I HAD to, we had no milk, nothing for dinner, not even things I could throw together to make a semi-decent meal. So the kids and I go to the grocery store, and I tell them, "I'll be 5 minutes, tops," and run into the store. I made a bee-line for the milk, grabbed a frozen lasagna, some veggies, and checked out.
As I'm walking out to the car, I see Sam curled up in the corner of the car. I ask Alex what his problem is and she tells me he's crying. My immediate anger/frustration kicks in. I'M NOT GONE 5 MINUTES AND YOU CAN'T GO THAT LONG WITHOUT FIGHTING!
Alex: "I was singing along to the radio (Yes, I left the car running with them in it while I went into the store) and Sam got mad at me and then just attacked me."
Sam: "I told her to stop singing and she wouldn't"
Mom: "Were you just singing, or were you obnoxiously yelling just to annoy him?"
Alex: (in a defeated tone) "I was being obnoxious"
So as I start yelling/lecturing, I find out that a man in the car next to them saw the whole thing and got out of his car, knocked on the window and asked Sam if he had fun beating up his sister, telling Sam that he was watching the whole thing. Sam said, "yes." Apparently when Sam hit her, she split her lip and was bleeding at this point.
So I say... "A strange man knocked on the window and started yelling at you guys? And you rolled down the window for him?!?!"
Kids: "Yes"
OH MY GOD! Have I not taught them anything?! Apparently they know not to take candy from strangers and to look both ways before crossing the road, but I've failed to imprint into their heads that you do not open the doors for strangers! I'm surprised this man wasn't waiting for me when I got out of the store. Alex said it happened about a minute before I got back to the car (which, by my calculation, they started fighting before I was even out of sight!)
Welcome To My Life
5 years ago
I think I'd move, or never go to that store again. Plus, NEVER leave the kids in the car with it running... that thought is scary!
Holy Crap!!! That would have freaked me out!
Alex is old enough...I would have left them together in the car as well.
Maybe that guy just likes a good WWWF Smack Down show??
That is scary though. Go split both their lips for rolling down the window (just kidding, obviously, child services would be able to tell)
gotta say, that scares me too. i leave my kids in the car at times. but, luckily they don't actaully hit each other. i mean, & leave marks anyway. maybe they've been watching "The Grifters" with John Cusack & use grapefruits wrapped in a towel. there's no outward bruising that way...
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