My daughter, my loving pride and joy, has dropped the bomb on me. It's 2 days until the end of the marking period, and I find out tonight that she may quite possibly get 2 E's on her report card. I knew we were struggling with her math, but really thought she could get a C on it.
Then I go through some of her stuff tonight and find about 35 papers that she never showed us, most of which were E's. And a progress report (without a date on it) letting us know she was averaging 45% in math. And then I can go into her reading grade. How does someone fail reading? (well, she may get a D). That is pure laziness. All she has to do is read the book, but it's a fight every single night of the week. She'd rather be doing anything else.
So... this is what Marc and I came up with for her punishment for next marking period. Please feel free to add to this, I'm feeling generous.
1. No social contact on school nights
2. No overnight friends on the weekends. Friends are to go home by 6 p.m. on the weekends.
3. No internet
4. No cell phone
5. No singing lessons
6. No talent show
7. No extra-curricular activities during the school week
This grounding extends through the next marking period. Please give me some ideas or input. We feel like we have failed as parents when it comes to her school work. It's not like we aren't connected to her teachers, I see them every day. She was just really good at being really sneaky.
Welcome To My Life
5 years ago
we have to sign & return progress reports, good or bad. it's a shame you didn't know. perhaps go through the folder every day, or every other if she sees your system.
also, how old is your daughter? don't tell my 8 year old that she has a cell phone b/c my oldest was 12 & in jr high before she got one.
i don't know what else to say. we have been very fortunate on the homework/grade card front. i fear the boy though.
i do not feel your punishments are out of line though. i flip out VERY easily, & my husband is stricter than me...give her HELL!!! (sorry K)
I remember someone other girls being really good at being sneaky too. Stick with it... it will be very hard on you and Marc! If you follow thorough with this punishment, she should realize that being up front and not hiding things is a better way to go... I still haven't figured that one out yet.
Yikes. I would sit down with her once a week and go through the folder together and discuss the grades on her paper and how to help her improve. That being said (and easier said than done I am sure)Maybe this will make you feel better...I was good in school, then bad in school (v. bad), and then good in school again by the time I hit 10th grade. I still graduated in the top 15 of my class. Maybe things will turn around for her too.
I would let her keep the singing lessons though. Might make you a million dollars someday. THINK OF YOURSELVES AND EARLY RETIREMENT. SHE OWES YOU THAT.
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