Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Stupid Comcast

Ok... let's see if this works. Our internet/phone is out... YET AGAIN. For anyone keeping track, that's the 3rd time this month, and a total of now 8 days.

I did ask for a credit to our account, however no one seems to want to get back to me on this. However, they are very adamant if I don't pay my bill by Friday, they will shut me off. Now to be fair, when I do get a hold of someone, they are VERY nice, almost bending over backwards to try to help, EXCEPT when I ask about a credit adjustment on my bill. I've even emailed the comment that appeared on my last blog report (wierd in itself), with no response.
Why do we continue to put up with this, you ask? Well, we have no other choices. And we got sick of stealing the wireless signal from our neighbors. We literally had to sit in one certain chair, turn the computer on a 90 degree angle and pray it could connect. We can't get DSL where we live by anyone else either. The other companies tell us "soon", and as for Cable, nope, no other options either, unless we go to satellite. At this point, that may be coming soon though. And we opted for the Triple Play (phone/internet/cable) to save money. It does that much, but doesn't help much when 2 of the 3 don't work anyways. STUPID COMCAST!

So, we'll see. Maybe they'll flag this again and I'll hear something. Otherwise, don't try to call me, or email me... my Comcast phone and internet is out. STUPID COMCAST!


K said...

Good luck!!! stupid comcast, just typing it again to see if it gets flagged

Your Special Cake! said...

I figured if I title it that... it would flag it right away :)

Anonymous said...

we have satellite. it's o.k. as long as it doesn't rain, or the snow doesn't hang on too long...