Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thanks Chippy!

I made these cookies for Christmas this year. They're not hard to do, but time-consuming. And they're DELICIOUS! Melt-in-your-mouth, chewy chocolately deliciousness.

So I made a big tray of them to take to my family Christmas this weekend. Marc loaded up the van. I made sure to tell him to put them on the top, because they're very fragile. So he did. Then he called the dogs and kids to load in...but he didn't shut the van tailgate. Need I say more? Chippy used my plate of cookies as a stepping-stone to launch his 50 lb. body into the minivan.

These cookies don't just crush, they "poof" into dust. No remnants but cocoa powder at the bottom of the tray. Thanks Chippy!


Anonymous said...

dang dogs...