Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! It's Christmas eve and we're sitting here, just the 4 of us, getting ready to head to bed. It's a nice, relaxing evening. We spent the evening at my in-laws, munching on snacks, visiting, opening gifts. Tomorrow will be just as relaxing... just the 4 of us, watching the kids opening gifts, playing, and I think tomorrow evening we're heading out to see "Marley & Me". I love these kind of holidays. We used to do the whole "fit every family member in" visits, where we were driving all over kingdom-come, but we vowed that we will stay home on Christmas with the kids from now on. Of course, on Friday afternoon we'll head out to Memphis for the weekend to spend the holidays with my family. Usually Grandma Ruth and Grandpa Ted come here for Christmas morning, but Dad threw his back out and Mom had the flu last week. So plans got a little mixed up.

Anyways.... not to leave you without wonder... I finished the 4th and final book in the Twilight series last week. Now I don't know what to do with myself. I'm thinking of starting book #1 over again and reading it to Alex. Her and I plan to go see the movie again. And I read in one of her teeny-bopper magazines that Rob Pattinson (aka Edward) has signed on for the next 2 movies, with #2 out next fall. So I do have that to look forward to. Aaaaaahhhhhhh.


Anonymous said...

my teenager finally read the first one. she does not read for entertainment. now, she's ready for the movie version too!!!

Anonymous said...

Julie, try this book...
No vampires, but a really good read.