I like to think of myself as somewhat savvy when it comes to dealing with people. I don't normally let people railroad me, and I'm not a sucker. But I do like to believe the best in people most of the time.
I made a cake for a lady about a month ago. Dealing with her was really a pleasure, she was very nice, polite, easy to please. She was going to pick up the cake 4th of July weekend. Circumstances on my end changed and I decided to go out of town a day earlier, so I asked her if I could drop the cake off to her destination early (she was coming into town to stay at a hotel for the holiday). I called the hotel, arranged the dropoff and told her to just drop the check in the mail to me. After all, I was the one who changed the plans.
Well... 4 weeks later... still no check.
I emailed her a couple times with no luck. So I called her. She swears up and down she gave the money to her MIL to send to me, and didn't know why I wouldn't have gotten it. But that she'd go right out to the post office and send it again. That was 2 weeks ago.
Then 3 weeks went by and I called her again. At least she still answers the phone. She again swears up and down she sent it to me TWICE and that she is so upset, and appreciates the time I took with her cake, she apologized up and down, but if I don't get it in the next day or 2, she'd Western Union me the money.
That's supposed to take place tomorrow. How much of a fool am I to actually think I'm going to get the confirmation number emailed from her tomorrow so I can go to Meijer to pick up the money she owes me?
I've made my opinion clear to her. I am no fool to think that it takes 4 weeks to get something mailed to me. And I am no fool to think 2 different items got lost in the mail, coming from 2 different locations. I told her I expect to get the confirmation number and money from Western Union tomorrow. But in the meantime, I've been trying to come up with some ways to make my frustrations known about her. I could call her answering machine daily to remind her that she has still not paid for a cake I made and delivered for her. I thought about contacting all of her friends on FaceBook and letting them know that their friend stiffed me (that's a bit stalkerish, I thought - but deserving). Then I thought I could just drop the whole thing - chalk it up as a lesson learned. Any ideas?
Welcome To My Life
5 years ago
Create a scary looking invoice from Microsoft Word and send one every other day with a threat to seek damages and interest... or call Judge Judy.
i SO suck @ this. that's why i could never run a business. i'm a softie. all bark, no bite...
I like the invoice idea...and hey, I bet I have that exact threatening verbiage you need to sound official (damn Dr Bills)
You could send her a batch of cookies made with Exlax. Although, i am pretty sure you won't see the money then.
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