The drama of Alex's grades continue...
I knew we were supposed to be getting progress reports last week, but never got one. So I go into the office and ask they went out before I inquired that of the teacher. I was told, "Yes, they all went out last week." Well, guess what? We never got one. So the principal goes down to ask the teacher why. Why? Because she decided not to do them. She told the kids to ask their parents if they wanted one, and then she'd send it home with them.
Ok, so here's the scenario: Little Billy is sucking in Math - getting a D or maybe even an E. He's told to go home, ask his parents if they'd like a progress report to see aforementioned D or E, then go back to the teacher and say, "Yes, my parents would like to be informed of my failing grades. Please send them one so I may be grounded for the next month."
Anyone else see anything wrong with that picture? So I point out to my daughter's teacher that we had been inquiring of her grades for the past month, and I was sorry to assume that would warrant a progress report, knowing we'd been waiting for a report on her progress. I should never assume. But yes, I would like one.
So she gives my principal the report of her grades, and mentions that, oh, Alex's attitude has been a problem all along. That she is rude and disrespectful. Huh? All along? I've been in her room countless times and in touch via email and NEVER once was told that my daughter was mouthing off, being rude and disrespectful. So now I start thinking she's mad at me for involving the principal about her lack of communication with us and is pulling things out of the air to account for falling grades. Of course, my child would never do anything like that (no... really I'm not one of those parents....)
Oh well. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. We made Alex sit down, write out apology letters for being disrespectful to her, and I've threatened her within an inch of her life: I dont' care if the building is on fire, you go into class in the morning, you sit in your seat, you do not say one word, you do your work, then you go home. And you do this for the next 9 days. Got it?!
It's almost over.
Welcome To My Life
4 years ago
Too bad your kids can't go to my school. That would not be happening!
unfortunately, there are bad teachers sometimes who don't make the extra effort for those that really need it. hopefully next year will be better...
Sweet jesus! If your kids get that kind of report(and your kids seem well behaved) I am in for a shit load of trouble. I know. he's my son. And I was a shitload of trouble.
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