Ok, I have a problem. I'm not the biggest fan of public restrooms, but let's face it, when you gotta go, you gotta go! And being a woman, that happens more often than not.
Now here comes the problem...What do you do when you gotta go but you're out shopping? Well, you'd like to think most businesses would be able to assist you in that. Wrong! I was out shopping this past weekend and couldn't believe the places we were that had no public restroom. So when you gotta go, you gotta leave.
My gripe: In this economy, stores should be bowing down at my feet when I walk thru their doors, debit card in hand, checkbook open, ready to spend my money (or lack thereof). But when I'm looking around, piling their goods into my cart, and have to use the ladies room (or for moms out there... when you have a little kid pulling on your coat saying, "I gotta go potty!") what do you do? You leave! And when you have to go out to your car, load the kid(s) back in, drive down the road to the closest fast food restaurant, are you really going to go back to that store to finish your shopping?I think not. At that point, I'm so pissed that they wouldn't let me use their exclusive employee-only washroom that there's no way in hell I'm going back. I'll show them.
You may be saying, just finish your shopping before you leave. Ok, for anyone out there with kids, you know they do not give any sort of buffer potty-time. When they say, "I gotta go potty," they mean: "I had to go 10 minutes ago, but held it this long, now it's really an emergency!" And if you don't have kids, and it's just yourself, can you really do some good quality browsing for just the right sweater/blouse/pants knowing you hafta pee!
Just my little gripe for the day.
Welcome To My Life
5 years ago
Which store was it? I will have Dean pee on their store window display.
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