Time to vent again. Sorry!
Today I had a teacher come to library with her class. She was 15 minutes late. Ok, when you have a 1/2 hour time block, and you're 15 minutes late, how long does that leave you? Anyone good at math? Apparently this teacher isn't, because she thought she still had 30 minutes.
It didn't matter I had another class coming in after her "time block." She still felt she was entitled to her 30 minutes. So I actually had to ask her to leave - 3 DIFFERENT TIMES. Then...(believe it or not)... she got mad at me! Her response? She told me (yes, this is what actually came from her...) that I should be more flexible, because schools have to be flexible, not like strict schedules in the business world that I was used to.
Hmmmm... last I knew the WHOLE SCHOOL DAY WAS BASED ON SCHEDULES! Am I wrong? If you're 15 minutes late for music, gym, band, lunch, recess, does that mean you get to stay 15 minutes longer? I don't think so. School starts at 8:40. What if you don't feel like starting at 8:40 and want to start at 8:55. Does that mean you can keep the kids 'til 3:45 instead of 3:30. I don't think so. What the hell... make those busses wait. They can be flexible.
Welcome To My Life
5 years ago
hhhhmmmm.... we get parents saying our school is run too much like a busines... why would we want to do that? what are the chances your kids will be in the business world and need to know what a scheduled day looks like???? I guess all our school kids will grow up to be doctors and lawyers... wait... even they have schedules!
Rock Stars...all the kids are going to be Rock Stars...and they just have drug dealers, not schedules.
Anyhow, you go Mizz Library! You kick some teacher Azz!!!
another reason i could never be a teacher (besides all the kids & stuff). i am a schedule FREAK...
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