Ok Ladies, I'm using this space to completely vent to you. Because as Fer just said, I know my girls will make me feel better :)
I get home tonight, and (as if I don't have a million things going on in my life) explain to my husband how I have become responsible for purchasing the coach's gift for my daughter's basketball coach. One of the other parents actually collected all the money, but she's leaving on spring break in a couple days. Our problem? One of the dads have been helping out at every practice, so we thought it would be nice if we used a portion of the money collected (we collected $100) to get him something too.
So I ask my husband, "What portion do you think we should dedicate to the coach, and what portion to the dad? Should we do 50/50? or 75/25? or 60/40?
You know what he says to me? "What about 66/33?" You're F#*%ing kidding me?! You want me to go buy a gift certificate for $66 and another for $33?! And you know what he says to me? "You don't have to be such a bitch about it and snap at me!"
Me! A bitch!? Snap at him?! Well this starts a huge argument about how I talk to him. All I asked for was an opinion. What kind of "NORMAL" person suggests 66/33?! I tell him, "you can't even give me a decent opinion?!" Everything that I've got going on: wrestling practice (which I am currently helping to "coach"), running the book fair at school, helping the kids with homework, getting them up and ready every morning, packing lunches, baking about 1500 dozen cookies for the bake sale tomorrow, and oh... I completely forgot that I WORK FULL TIME! Hmmmm... let's see, he gets up in the morning, takes a shower, goes to work, comes home, watches tv, (some days he cleans up the dinner dishes from dinner that I MADE), and oh wait, there's the nights he has to go back into his office to do work for the radio station.
Oh, now I'll veer off on another tangent: He can work late 3 nights a week, come home the other 2 nights and work on his computer, but I have to go into school on Sunday afternoon to get some stuff done, and he calls and asks when I'll be home, between the other 3 calls I got from the kids about where things are located, if I can stop on the way home to pick up something, how much longer am I going to be....
Ok, I'm done. I feel much better. I'm sure things will be back to normal tomorrow, but tonight is a very "quiet" night. Because if he's justified in calling me a bitch, the least I can do is abide by it!
thanks girls !
Welcome To My Life
5 years ago
It is completely unfair that life is that way, a woman who is holding up the universe for a family in one hand and for her job in the other hand, makes one comment and she is called a bitch... I would have punched him for the 66/33, I really would have.
WHOA! i have had the same complaints in my family...why do they all depend on us so heavily??? men have it SO easy, & have no idea or appreciation that they do!!!
You know what I got the other day? A nice snide "oh, your welcome Stephanie, yes, I did rake out the flower beds". Ok, great asshole. Congrats. Who do you think vaccums, dusts, does your laundry, reads to your child each night and puts him to bed. And does everything else the multitude of times you are out of town for buisiness?
I didn't say all that, but I thought it.
He works from home most days...and I cannot even count the number of hours logged onto a certain Zombie game on my iPod...a game that I do not play. And yet, half of our bills (which he insists on paying) are never paid on time.
Whew. I guess I needed to vent to.
Keep up the bitch facade! He's an eejit!
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