Ok, yet again I need the advice of the girls:
Alex's girlfriend (mind you, they're 11) started rumors about herself that she was making out with a 10th grader. Why would you start rumors about yourself, one wonders. I guess she's trying to earn herself quite a reputation. (again, I remind you, they're 11).
So, I heard these rumors around school and asked Alex about them. She said, "yeah, mom. She told me she did. She goes to one of the classrooms afterschool and makes out with boys. (plural)" (did I say they were 11?) So I ask Alex if her friend had told her these stories and she said yes, face to face, not heresay. And it gets better... Apparently this friend (with whom she'd been friends with since kindergarten and her dad is a preacher, mom works at school, nice family!) considers herself to be "emo" (I am so out of touch, i had to look this up) and she cuts herself.
Now I don't know if these are true stories, but does it matter? I tried to explain to alex what matters is that she is actually telling people these stories about herself. So I tell alex she's not allowed to hang around her anymore.
Now here's my dilemma: Her mom works at school with me. We chat every day, multiple times. And we've told each other that we would keep each other posted on the girls so we can keep track of what they're doing, etc... So what do I do? I really need help here. If I go to her and tell her these stories from Alex, it comes down to the fact that one girl is telling the truth. I say this because I'm sure her daughter will deny everything. Will she believe my daughter or her own? Who would I believe? Would I want to know if it were my daughter? What will it do to the friendship (ours and theirs) and should I care?
(Oh, the room she supposedly sneaks into is one that her mom aides in every day and that teacher did tell me that she saw the friend and a boy in there one day and she jumped off this boy's lap when she walked in on them - so I know that much is true.)
Ok ladies, I am so not ready for this teenage thing that seems to be happening way too early!!! Again, I say.... they're 11!
thanks for your help! I need it!
Welcome To My Life
5 years ago
damn, tough call. i'd probably try to find out for sure for myself, if possible. stake out "the room"...
anyway you can keep Alex out of it? say you heard it somewhere else?
you have to tell her, you certainly would want to know if Alex was involved in anything like that, even if it's just lying
Thank god EMO is still a red furry guy in my world...oh wait, that's ELMO. Anyhow....Can you stake out the room? That would leave Alex out of it...and the evidence would be coming from an adult.
I'd be a bit more worried about the cutting though....is that true or a made up story too? Cutters are good at hiding that...(I'm not a cutter, but I have had a family member play one on TV)
the teacher that owns the room actually did catch her and told mom today too. But mom said she was sure they were just doing homework. I talked to her too, and she said she'd heard it all before but was in complete denial about all of it. Oh well, I did my part. How she handles it is her call. Alex didn't seem too concerned that they wouldn't be friends... thank God!
today's drama was that she told alex she was thinking of committing suicide. I called her parents right away, obviously. But I still don't think they think she's doing any of this.
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