We had a really good weekend. Flag football started and, with the exception of a few stressful situations, turned out pretty good. 110 kids and only a few minor mishaps. Not bad.
My mom and dad came down on Saturday to watch Sam play. Later that day I had a cake to deliver, Marc had a wedding to DJ and my dad checked off a few things on our "to-do" list - namely the ice maker and garbage disposal I've gone 2 years without.
Saturday night after my parents left, the kids and I went to see "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" while Marc was at his wedding. Sunday we got up and went to church, went to the local orchard afterwards for the corn maze, came home and relaxed. Sounds like a nice, relaxing weekend, huh?
Now let me fill in the blanks.
* At football I had 16 irate parents whose kids didn't bring home the information because their teachers didn't give it to them.
* The cake I had to deliver went off without a hitch. Even though the lady wasn't home and she told me she'd leave the door unlocked, and not to mind her dog, she wouldn't hurt the cake. Well she didn't... until about 11:30 that night. The poor lady FB'd me about 10 times asking if I could "fix" the cake her dog ate half of. Sorry...
* Marc came home from his wedding and gave me the check the next morning, which was considerably less than I had budgeted for. For some reason he charged this wedding less than normal and I had no idea.
* Being thrilled about having a garbage disposal and an ice maker again after 2 years was nothing compared to the mess I found when I got home from school today to see something in the water connection had caused my dishwasher to empty out 2 cycles onto my kitchen floor, thus seeping down into the basement by the bucketload!
Happy Monday!
Welcome To My Life
5 years ago
Can you start the week over? Is there a ReDo button. That dishwasher scenario would be enough to put me over the edge twice and back again.
I hope you had you happy pills. OY!
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