Tuesday, July 7, 2009

spirituality overload

I came across this comic strip posted by a friend on FaceBook and couldn't believe how true (and kinda funny) I found it to be! I know I'll probably get some slack on this, but I'm really looking for some enlightenment on the subject.

I have a neighbor friend that fits this perfectly. I love her to death, but let me say, sometimes she just wears me down with her spirituality. I thought it would go the other way, that the more I was around her, the more I would want to grow and expand in my faith. I'm finding it to be the opposite.

She just left her husband, which she tells me is in the Bible for her to do so, to take some kind of break if she doesn't feel her relationship is working out. But she also tells me she has no plans whatsoever to divorce. Just living in a different house, about 1/2 mile away, shipping their 10-year-old son back and forth between the 2 - which he hates - because his house, friends, belongings, etc... are all at his normal house. At his mom's she doesn't even have the TV plugged in because she doesn't subscribe to cable (the giant-screened TV that she insisted to take from her husband, just because...) Again, I say, the houses are only about 1/2 mile apart, but on a busy road, so the boy can't just run back and forth.

So she pulls her kid away from all his "stuff", making him sit in an old farmhouse with no TV, no air conditioning, no one to play with... because she left her husband - not because he beat her, not because he was mean, not because he was even a bad man. But because he wouldn't go to church with her. She's become one of those people that believe God has blessed her with every single fiber around her. Now don't get me wrong, I know that's true. But what I mean is this: She went down into her new house basement and found an old carpet remnant and says, "it was God speaking to me because he knew I needed a carpet runner, and Lord, there it was. It was a sign that I should have moved out." And "I needed a lamp and found one in someone's trash, it was a sign from God that I should be where I am."

Can't anything just "be?" It's my opinion that she's trying to justify everything in her life so she looks for something to be a sign from God to tell her she's doing the "right" thing. I am the first person to say that things happen for a reason. I know that I had to turn around the other day because I forgot to lock the dogs out of the house,and missed a car accident by mere seconds. There was a reason...

And like I said before, I really like this woman, but she's driving me farther and farther away from where we'd like to be in our quest for a church.


K said...

That comic was funny and I do know people like that!! Don't let one person ruin your faith-walk, she may see you doing your thing and wake up and smell the coffee. Which was created to give us energy, not a vessel of the Holy Spirit into our bodies!

Have you seen the videos on you tube that are Christian vs. Christ follower? They are so funny. They are like the Mac - PC guy. Great stuff.

Fer said...

we go to church. catholic because that's how i was raised & am too lazy to search out other options. but, i too cannot stand those that where Christ on their sleeve. i firmly believe my relationship with God is personal & no one elses beeswax! and, if i thought everything was a "sign" then i'd probably be in the looney bin. perhaps i'll tell that to the creditors when they start knocking @ my door. "God told me not to pay b/c we have less income." i'm sure that will fly...