Saturday, December 6, 2008

Full-fledged Vampire addiction

I finished the 2nd book in the Twilight series tonight. Not that I did't have anything else to do... Besides work (which, may I say, it ROCKS that I can read during work and it is actually job-related now! No one thinks twice about it when they see me!), Alex had 2 basketball games this week, I worked late 2 nights until 8 p.m., I had PTA stuff all day today...and it was a must that I fit the Twilight movie into my schedule last night!!! OH-MY-FREAKING-GOD! I sat through that movie with my heart fluttering and my stomach full of butterflies for 2 hours. Alex really enjoyed it too. I can't say the same for Marc or Sam. They both said it was OK, but they probably got bored because it was mostly a love story, with the exception of one very good fight scene. Maybe Alex and I will go see it again alone this time. It feels so wrong (illegal) that he evokes such feelings in me :)

I'm just glad that when I went to WalMart to get book 2, I thought to buy book 3 at the same time. Now I don't have to wait to start that one! I need to finish this series so I can get my life back in order!


Anonymous said...

What better harmelss addiction! I asked for the series for Christmas...or at least book 1